We partnered up with City Bee Savers to create 12 active honeybee hives right here at our manufacturing facility. Local bees help pollinate plants, help fight their disappearing habitats, and are a delicious source of natural sweetness.

Giving Back
Making a difference is the most important thing we make.

One of these organizations is the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. We're proud to support the fight against ovarian cancer through knowledge and awareness and sponsor and donate products to Run/Walk to Break the Silence on Ovarian Cancer across the nation. Many of our employees participate in these events, as well.

We're also proud to be associated with the American Childhood Cancer Organization in the fight against childhood cancer. In 2010, we began the Take a Pop, Share a Smile Program to donate freezers and unlimited freezer pops to childhood cancer treatment centers across the country. To date, we have placed freezers in over 125 centers, providing young patients with over 1 million tasty treats to ease their symptoms, help them hydrate, and keep smiling.

It's no secret our products have the amazing power to bring all kinds of people together. As part of our ongoing effort to celebrate this and support the men and women who protect and serve our communities, we created the Freezer Pops From Cops Program. This special initiative helps law enforcement officers build stronger relationships and trust between their departments and communities. The program launched in Lexington, KY, with incredible success, and we are proud to be expanding it into more cities across the country.

Protecting the planet we call home is a pretty big deal around here. It’s why we go to all kinds of lengths to ensure a more sustainable way to make what we make. Reducing waste, recycling materials, and practicing more sustainable practices altogether. After all, we believe you don’t have to skimp on quality while doing what’s right for the environment. Here are some ways we’re doing just that.

We created a shipping network that minimizes miles and fuel while prioritizing local ingredients and providers as much as possible. We also make sure shipment containers and materials are as eco-friendly as possible, like the reusable containers we use for all our inbound juice concentrates—they save up to 500 containers from the landfill each year!

When it comes to our product packaging, we prioritize recycled and sustainable materials as much as possible while also maintaining their food safety capabilities. In fact, over half of all our corrugated usage is made with 100% post-consumer content recycled paper and we recently switched to chipboard substrate shipping cases to reduce 15% of packaging weight.

We’re a resource-conscious facility always working to best reduce our usage of electricity, water, and natural gas in both plant and office spaces. We’ve upgraded our buildings with energy-efficient lighting, sleep-mode computers, efficient motors, drives, and plumbing updates. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment by conserving energy, water and gas.

We’re proud to partner with TerraCycle® to offer our first-ever Freezer Pop plastic recycling program. This program is currently available for our Powerade® Sports Freezer Bars’ plastic tube and allows consumers to recycle plastic that normally is not able to be recycled.

Please click on the link below to easily register for the Jel Sert x TerraCycle recycling program.

Collect your tubes at home in any box on hand.

When the box or bin is full, download a free shipping label from your account and place the label on it. Ship to TerraCycle at no charge by bringing it to a local UPS drop-off location.

For every pound you send in, you'll receive $1 in credit on TerraCycle, which you can donate to any charity or nonprofit of your choosing!